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Who Is the General Secretary?

Michael Blair smiling, sitting in front of stained glass
General Secretary Michael Blair

The General Secretary is the senior staff and administrative officer of the General Council, its executive, and its sub-executive. The General Secretary holds the church to its stated values and purpose and encourages and equips the church for the future. Some of the key functions of the role are:

  •  preparing material for the consideration of the General Council, its executive, or sub-executive;
  •  implementing the decisions of the above;
  •  being responsible for the corporate obligations of the denomination;
  •  offering rulings on questions of polity, procedures, and practice; and
  •  managing the General Council Office and supervising the senior staff team.

The General Secretary is appointed by the Executive of General Council until such time as a successor is named.

The current General Secretary, Rev. Michael Blair, comes to the role following service in community ministry and in the Church in Mission unit of the General Council Office, bringing a wide range of managerial and leadership experience to the role. General Secretary Blair is also currently serving as Moderator of the World Council of Churches Commission on World Mission and Evangelism.