GCE44: Faithful Footprints Report
The Faithful Footprints program was launched in March 2018 when the essential financial, communication, support tools and governance foundations necessary for implementing the five-year program were put into place.
High-level goals
At our annual Governance meetings, we continue to refine our goals for the program.
- Goal 1: Reduce emissions 80% reduction by 2030
- Goal 2: Engage 550 United Church communities of faith by end of 2024; 1,000 by end of 2030
- Goal 3: Establish a national grant program for reducing financial barriers to building efficiency
work - Goal 4: Establish regular communication of high-level vision, project progress, opportunities and
learnings with UCC staff and integrate advice and learnings from the exchange to strengthen efforts - Goal 5: Regular reporting to track progress, amplify the stories of congregations, uncover
barriers and connect the dots with other UCC Creation Care actions
See full report attached below.
Strategic Objective