The Churchill-Nelson River Diversion Projects, a massive hydro development undertaken by Manitoba Hydro, involve a major flooding of large areas of northern Manitoba, including reserve lands now inhabited by several thousand native people. To represent the concerns of the native people a Northern Flood Committee, made up of representatives of eight affected communities (treaty and non-treaty) has been formed. The Committee has retained outstanding legal counsel and has chosen Henry Spence as their capable chairman.
The federal government, as a trustee of native rights, has the responsibility of protecting reserve lands, assets and wider rights regarding hunting and fishing.
In the contest between the native people, represented by the Northern Flood Committee, and Manitoba Hydro, the Honorable Jean Chretien, former Minister responsible for Indian Affairs, and his department, have given strong support to the Northern Flood Committee.
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that this Twenty-sixth General Council of the United Church of Canada instruct the Secretary of the General Council to communicate with the Honorable Judd Buchanan, the new Minister of Indian Affairs, respectfully requesting him to give the continued strong support of the federal government to Indian people of Northern Manitoba, through the Northern Flood Committee, in their negotiations with Manitoba Hydro.
GC26 1974 ROP, p. 153