WHEREAS the Board of Evangelism and Social Service in its brief to the Senate Committee on Poverty endorsed the concept of a guaranteed annual income; and
WHEREAS aid to the specifically needy is administered through an appallingly inhumane and messy network of welfare systems; and
WHEREAS the system of welfare “handouts” is degrading and demoralizing; and
WHEREAS we recognize that in our competitive society we will have winners and losers, and those in poverty are the losers; and
WHEREAS the Economic Council of Canada indicates that 20% of all Canadians live in some degree of poverty; and
WHEREAS the Royal Commission on Taxation noted that the present tax system is inequitable in many important respects—the poor bear a larger percentage of taxes than the rich; and
WHEREAS the message of Jesus Christ calls us to create more just systems of dealing with those who have special needs:
BE IT RESOLVED that this General Council:
1972 ROP, p. 70