The Sessional Committee, noting that the report had been provided for information, presented the following resolution:
The 28th General Council, in the Preamble to the Petition on Inclusive Language, states that “Children, youth, women and men, are all called to be members of the Body of Christ and the household and family of God.” We therefore affirm the work reported by the [Changing roles of Women and Men in Church and Society] Task Force to continue the educational process towards fulfilling its mandate.
The Sessional Committee further requests the Task Force to:
Initiate resources and leadership development for children which break down sex-role stereotyping;
Enable men and women to develop their own strategies for eliminating sexism;
Create study resources to illuminate images such as “the dance’, “the circle”.
The Sessional Committee then presented a resolution as follows:
WHEREAS it has appeared to the Sessional Committee that Petitions 13 and 82 would not, in their present form, express the mind of the General Council whether as to preamble or substance; and
WHEREAS the question of inclusive language continues to be of considerable importance throughout the church:
That the 29th General Council reaffirm the positions taken by the 28th General Council, understanding, however, that there is no intent to impose Inclusive Language proposals with reference to God in the life, worship or publications of the national church without further reference to the General Council.
Celebrate the progress in these matters made to date.
Express appreciation for the Guidelines for Inclusive Language as approved by the Executive of General Council in 1981.
Promote a wide use of the Guidelines for purposes of speech and publication at all levels of church life.
Request the Task Force on the Changing Roles of Women and Men to monitor these matters with a view to a further assessment by the next General Council.”
GC29 1982 ROP, pp. 91-92