GC31 Lottery Funds (1986L527)

That the 31st General Council

  1. Reaffirm the policy of The United Church of Canada that all formally constituted United Church groups abstain from applying for grants to government commissions or foundations based on lotteries.  (ROP 27th GC p. 307)

  2. Acknowledge the dilemma of those United Church of Canada groups for whom traditional sources of government funding are increasingly being replaced by funds which are lottery-generated.

  3. Instruct the national Division of Mission in Canada to communicate to the federal, provincial and territorial governments in Canada our concern regarding the increasing difficulty faced by church groups which are eligible for public funding, but choose not to accept funds which have lotteries as their source.

  4. Encourage individuals to refrain from purchasing lottery tickets.


1986, ROP, p. 136

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Originating Body

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