GC31 Pastoral Care II (1986P111.02)

WHEREAS not all ministers serving in rural charges may have the necessary background and knowledge to be of optimum assistance to their parishioners:

That those being settled for the first time in areas where farming and fishing are prevalent be required to take a two-week course in rural ministry;

That particular educational centres be asked to develop a training program (perhaps using short-term NCD/RD (VIM) training grants);

That Continuing Education funds be used to assist in financing;

That the Division of Ministry Personnel and Education in consultation with the Agriculture and Food Resources Committee of General Council and with the Division of Mission in Canada, be asked to give favourable considerations to developing an experimental program for this purpose.

That this be referred to MP and E for favourable consideration.


GC31 1986 ROP, p. 122, 327-328

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Originating Body

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