GC32 Development of a Long-Term National Agriculture and Food Policy (1988D245)

WHEREAS the United Church is concerned that much of the agriculture community is facing serious economic, emotional and social stress; and

WHEREAS these problems may be aggravated by the absence of a long-term national agriculture and food policy:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 32nd General Council requests the General Secretary of General Council to invite the federal government in consultation with the provincial and territorial governments, and farm organizations to develop a long-term comprehensive national agriculture and food policy for Canada which will ensure that the following objectives are met:

  1. an adequate and stable financial return to the basic food producer;

  2. an adequate and dependable supply of nutritious foods for all Canadians at reasonable prices;

  3. a continuous supply of food to assist in meeting world food needs including emergency food aid on a temporary basis;

  4. the development of nutritional information and an educational program to bring such information to al consumers;

  5. support for research and the development of new technology, as well as for extension services to make the results available to all food producers;

  6. adequate support to prevent and even reverse the serious degradation of soil and water which is occurring in all parts of Canada;

  7. a reversal of the decline in the farm population by providing preferential tax and price structures for the family-sized farm.


GC32 1988 ROP, p. 201

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Originating Body

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