GC33 Fishing (1990F373)

WHEREAS The United Church of Canada believes that there must be a just, sustainable and participatory economy for all people; and

WHEREAS the economy and culture is resource based (fishing, forestry, farming, and mining); and that the survival of the communes society, and culture depends upon the adequate management of those resources; and

WHEREAS the current crises of the environment and of fishing stocks are threatening the future of fishing communities and Native People; and

WHEREAS there is a relationship between proper care of the environment and the health of fish stocks; and

WHEREAS priority should be given to long term development and maintenance of fishing communities; and

WHEREAS federal and provincial governments have joint responsibility in the management of fisheries,


  1. We call upon the Government of Canada to recognize that there is a partnership between the ecological system and the fishing community and that a balance can no longer be maintained by “management through market forces and available technology” but requires “management by conservation of the ecology and preservation of the society and its culture”’
  2. We call upon the Government of Canada to maintain the balance and integrity of the ecology and society by the following means:
    1. reducing the total allowable catch of threatened fish stocks until those stocks rebuild;
    2. taking measures to regulate domestic over-fishing by: the use of appropriate technology and tighter controls of catch sizes and wastage;
    3. encouraging the use of under-utilized and non-traditional fish species, by development of secondary processing, keeping in mind the need for food aid for developing countries;
    4. developing programs with all levels of government and the industry that will sustain the fishery in those communities traditionally dependent on the resource during the time required to rebuild the fish stocks;
    5. increasing research into Canadian marine ecology;
    6. working towards eliminating industrial pollution, domestic sewage and acid rain; and keeping streams open for spawning;
    7. encouraging the commercial industry to work cooperatively with sport fishing in maintaining a healthy fishery in the future;
    8. eliminating all drift net fishing immediately, requiring that alternative methods to be used to catch target species (that is, squid) that does not catch immature species;
    9. limiting the use of draggers to achieve a sustainable yield with appropriate compensation to affected fishers;
    10. ensuring adequate compensation for fishermen/women affected by hydro mega projects, including damage to equipment.
  3. We call upon the Government of Canada with regard to the east coast fishery to:
    1. significantly decrease foreign fishing quotas within the 200 mile limit claimed and overseen by Canada;
    2. take action to stop over-fishing by foreign vessels within Canadian waters through diplomatic efforts, and work towards extending the 200-mile limit by claiming the continental shelf boundaries of the Grand Banks;
    3. take measures to control the seal herds off the coasts of Newfoundland and Labrador in order to control fish parasites and overpredation on the fish;
    4. introduce port quota allocations, in lieu of corporation quotas;
    5. close fishing of the northern cod stocks during spawning season.
  4. We call upon the Government of Canada with regard to the Manitoba fishery to:
    1. reopen the fish hatcheries on Lake Winnipeg;
    2. establish a stabilization fund for fishermen/women if Lake Winnipeg closes, as happened in 1972;
    3. restrict the infiltration of foreign species caused by the Garrison Diversion Project.
  5. We call upon the Government of Canada with regard to the west coast fishery to:
    1. work towards the catching of only mature fish of those species indigenous to the waters of Canada, the United States and the Soviet Union;
    2. refuse recommendations of the white paper, The Pacific Region Strategic Outlook-Vision 2000 which would reduce jobs and restrict the freedom of the fisheries by turning control over to the corporate sector of private enterprise, reducing its ability to regulate the fishing industry.
  6. We call upon the Government of Canada with regard to the Native fishery to:
    1. Give support to the Native People in their efforts to secure the future of their communities in relation to all Native fisheries.
  7. We call upon The United Church of Canada to:
    1. monitor governmental and church initiatives in support of fishing communities and Native fisheries;
    2. encourage presbyteries, pastoral charges and members of the order of ministry to become more aware of and involved in supporting people in fishing communities and give higher priority to mission outreach to these communities;
    3. provide resources to facilitate the study of issues in fisheries and ministry in fishing communities;
    4. provide through its theological colleges a certificate course focusing on fishing sociology and economics and that this focus be strengthened in the training programs for ministry;
    5. invite our ecumenical partners to work with us in these concerns for the fishing communities.


GC33 1990 ROP, pp. 124-126

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Originating Body

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