The 33rd General Council again asks the Government of Canada to give urgent attention to, and provide leadership in the development of a food distribution system without food aid or banks, that would guarantee all people an adequate affordable food supply, while at the same time ensuring food producers a fair income.
WHEREAS the 32nd General Council called for governments and farm organizations to develop a long term comprehensive national Agriculture and Food policy which would ensure an adequate and stable financial return to the basic food producer and an adequate and dependable supply of nutritious foods for all Canadians at reasonable prices; and
WHEREAS many people, in and out of Canada, still do not have access to sufficient quality food; and
WHEREAS The United Church is gravely concerned that many food producers are still not receiving an adequate income: and
WHEREAS food aid in the form of food banks is essential as emergency relief, but degrading and unacceptable as long term solution to hunger,
1990 ROP, p. 123-124