GC37 Role of Nuclear Energy in Canadian Life

That the General Council receive the reports, petitions and resolutions listed on the INFO 22 page, with the addition of Resolution #94 and Petition #136 and the deletion of Petition #139, as listed on the Changes page, and take the actions contained therein.

Dale Wiggins thanked Virginia Coleman for meeting the request of Saskatchewan Conference Commissioners to provide a replacement accountability report, re-inserting several sentences that had been deleted.

As requested, the following Petitions were removed from the Omnibus Motion:

Petition #136 (page 0-99)   Interpretation of Conference Policies

Petition #140 (page 0-103) Moratorium on Closings of First Nations Pastoral Charges

Petition #131 (page 0-92)   Development of Policies and Guidelines for Staff Committees of Conferences

Petition #94 (page B-93)  Role of Nuclear Energy in Canadian Life

GC37 2000 ROP, p. 90


Work to Commissions Reassignment

That Resolution #94 and Petition #131 be assigned to Commission B and that Petition #136 and Petition #140 be assigned to Commission C.

GC37 2000 ROP, p. 95


Petition #94 Role of Nuclear Energy in Canadian Life

Having heard Petition #94 General Council of The United Church of Canada to urge the Government of Canada to hold comprehensive, nation-wide, public meetings concerning the role of nuclear energy in Canadian life.

GC37 2000 ROP, p. 138


Petition No. 94

Title: Role of Nuclear Energy in Canadian Life

Submitted by: Conference of Manitoba and North-western Ontario

Original Source: Cambrian Presbytery

Session Action: N/A

Presbytery Action: Concurrence

Conference Action: Concurrence

Financial Implications: None

Source of Funding: N/A

Staffing Implications: None

WHEREAS our world is both a sacred space and a sacred trust; and

WHEREAS both the bio-diversity of the earth and its carrying capacity must be respected and protected; and

WHEREAS the rights of present and future generations must be protected; and

WHEREAS nuclear fuel wastes in the world are accumulating and concern over their management is increasing; and

WHEREAS the people of Canada have never been provided the opportunity to have public discussions about the role of nuclear energy in Canadian society;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Cambrian Presbytery, through the Conference of Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario, petition the 37th General Council of The United Church of Canada to urge the Government of Canada to hold comprehensive, nation-wide, public meetings concerning the role of nuclear energy in Canadian life.


GC37 2000 ROP, pp. 1097-1098

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