GC44 GS23 Consent Motion

The General Secretary recommends that the 44th General Council, 2024:

  1. Approve the minutes of the online annual meeting of the 44th General Council October 2023.
  2. Receive and accept the following:
    • General Secretary’s Accountability Report
    • General Council Executive Report
    • Audit Committee Report, 2023
    • Strategic Plan Update
    • Theology and Inter-Church, Inter-Faith Committee Report
    • Anti-Racism Action Plan Update
    • Reconciliation Report
    • National Indigenous Council Update
    • Interim Report on the Use of the Principle-Based Approach to The United Church of Canada’s Justice Work
  3. Approve the following proposals and ensure that action is taken as outlined:
    • AUD 03 Audit Committee Recommendations
    • GS 24 Affirm Existing Assessment Funding Rates and Principles for 2025
    • NOM 04 Recommendations for Appointment

Background for Consent Motions

Proposals which are routine or non-controversial actions or routine changes in policy or procedure are included in the consent agenda. In a consent agenda you may also find minutes of previous meetings, accountability reports, etc.

At the meeting, any voting member of the General Council may request to remove any item(s) from the consent agenda. These will be considered at the 2024 meeting of the 44th General Council as the business table is able to adjust the agenda to accommodate. Advance notice should be given to the General Secretary. If you have a concern, you are encouraged to contact the General Secretary in advance as an exchange of information may resolve a question.


The process for acting on the consent agenda will be as follows:

  1. Moderator: “Does any member wish to move an item from the consent agenda to be considered at the 2024 meeting of the 44th General Council?”
  2. If there is such a request, it will be granted only if a majority of Commissioners vote in favour of it. (Advance notice should be given to the General Secretary.)
  3. Moderator: “Without discussion, then, the consent agenda is ready for a vote. Those in favour? Opposed? All items on the consent agenda are adopted.”

Document Date
Document Type
Originating Body

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