With the enactment of “Remit 4: Funding a New Model”, it was intended that all pastoral charges would share in funding… continue reading
The General Secretary recommends that the 44th General Council, 2024...
We believe God/Jesus Christ/the Holy Spirit is calling the church to recognize the lifelong call to ministry and… continue reading
The principles of UNDRIP are resonant in the National Indigenous Church’s proposal to General Council 44 on creating a… continue reading
The General Secretary's Accountability Report for the 2023 GC44 Annual Meeting.
The 44th General Council 2022 authorized a category 3 remit, to amend the Basis of Union of The Manual of The United… continue reading
That the bounds of the 44th General Council annual meeting 2024 be the virtual meeting room and the telephone… continue reading
The PROK has invited the United Church to join in making a similarly powerful symbolic witness for reconciliation by… continue reading
The General Secretary's Accountability Report for the 2024 GC44 Annual Meeting
Topics include:
Given that prior to the Korean War the United Church owned mission properties in what is now the Democratic People’s… continue reading