The report, which was circulated at the September meeting was reviewed. It was reported that the leadership of Oliver Howard of BC Conference on this issue was most appreciated. There was some discussion about the general nature of the report and whether more specifics would be helpful.
The following recommendations were discussed:
There can be no denial or rationalizing. As a means of recognizing the church’s institutional accountability for the damage and hurt caused by the residential school system and as a means of continuing to walk together in the light of the Apology, the Taskgroup makes the following recommendations:
That the conferences be encouraged to establish a plan for hearing and recording the residential schools experiences of Native people similar to the model now being implemented in Man/NOW Conference.
That the Moderator’s Taskgroup be dismissed and be replaced by a General Council Committee on Residential Schools (more ongoing than a taskgroup and less established than a standing committee) with a 5 year mandate.
That the membership for the committee consist of:
no less than 4 persons
one representative from BC Conference; one from the ANCC network; at least one from the church at large; one staff person
a balance of Native and non-Native persons
one member from the current Taskgroup for continuity
That a fund of $30 000 per year for 5 years be established to
support on a cost-sharing basis forthcoming regional projects on residential schools within the United Church and
to respond to funding requests for healing programs, documentation projects, etc., from Aboriginal groups and organizations
That the mandate of the GC Committee include:
developing guidelines for response to funding requests
allocating and implementing the dispersal of the project fund according to the guidelines
coordinating and monitoring the work being done at the regional level within the church, especially listening to and documenting stories
reviewing, refining and promoting the protocol for dealing with specific abuse complaints received by the UCC
educating the church about residential schools and their effects
making archival information on residential schools available to groups who request it
working ecumenically, in cooperation with the Aboriginal Rights Coalition, to try to ensure an effective response from the churches and to work in solidarity with Native people in their discussions with the Federal government on this issue
preparing a public statement on Residential Schools for the approval of the General council or its Executive after the approval of the General Council or its Executive after the process of listening and documentation is further advanced.