On line: Bill Phipps, Marion Best, Lorna Teed, Michael Scott, David Carrothers, Claire Borel-Christen, Mollie Williams, Bernice Luce, Hazel Bigby, Don Smith, Kay Cho, Lois Creith, Virginia ColemanRegrets: Harold Manuel
Having duly convened the meeting of the Sub-Executive, the Moderator led in prayer.
Moved/Seconded: Coleman/Williamsthat the following be made corresponding members for this meeting of the Sub-Executive: Anne Shirley Sutherland, David Iverson, Rhea Whitehead, Steve Adams, Steven Chambers, Richard Choe, Peter Wyatt; and, for the item related to the lawsuits, Bob Smith and Brian Thorpe.
1. Fair Haven HomesThe General Secretary reported on that the majority of Sub-Executive votes received with regard to Fair Haven Homes were in the affirmative.
Moved/Seconded: Coleman/ Smiththat the action of the Sub-Executive, taken by mail ballot, with regard to Fair Haven Homes be confirmed.
2. Update on LawsuitsMoved/Seconded: Coleman/Lucethat the Sub-Executive deal with the report on the lawsuits in camera.