WHEREAS we read in Genesis (Gen 1.1) ‘In the beginning God created’ and;
WHEREAS throughout scripture we hear an underlying theme of reverence for life and;
WHEREAS in our creed we affirm that ‘We are called to live with respect in Creation’ and;
WHEREAS Humankind has in recent years developed the techniques necessary to clone organisms and;
WHEREAS it is only a matter of time before humans are cloned and;
WHEREAS this technique and action raises a host of moral, ethical and faith questions and;
WHEREAS the United Church is called to both confront and wrestle with these questions so that it may give guidance to its members
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 38th General Council of The United Church of Canada establish a mechanism to develop a policy statement on cloning that will give guidance to its members.
GC38 2003 ROP, p. 638