The Business Committee recommended that in response to Petitions #125, #126, #127 and #128, the 37th General Council:
Renounce the 1960 statement that homosexuality is a sin.
Encourage courts, congregations and members to learn ways to offer healing for the damage inadvertently caused by the historic stance of our church on homosexuality.
Affirm that human sexual orientations (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Heterosexual orientations) are a gift from God, part of the marvellous diversity of creation.
Affirm Lesbian and Gay partnerships, actively work for their civil recognition and recognize them in Church Documentation and Services of Blessing.
Direct the Division of Mission of Canada to find new and creative ways to encourage congregations of The United Church of Canada to enter into the Affirming Congregation study process.
GC37 2000 ROP, pp. 166-170