WHEREAS The United Church of Canada has an ethical investment policy which screens against investment in alcohol, military products or tobacco products; and
WHEREAS the Moderator's Consultation on Faith and the Economy identified ethical investing as an issue of importance to The United Church of Canada and allocated resources to investigating policy options and ethical investment guidelines appropriate to the United Church,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 37th General Council
authorise a task group involving the Divisions of Finance, World Outreach and Mission in Canada to build on the work initiated by the Moderator's Consultation on Faith and the Economy to respond to the ethical issues related to the impact of investment on the lives of people around the world, by examining further aspects of ethical investment (beyond alcohol, military and tobacco prohibitions) in relation to church investments and investment policy, and report with recommendations to the Executive of the General Council no later than December 2001; and
request that this task group ensure there is an instrument for ethical evaluation of investments made available to all United Church members, congregations and related organisations
GC37 2000 ROP, p. 849