GC32 Federal Government Support for Persons with AIDS (1988F235)

WHEREAS the ministry and compassion of Jesus was extended to the marginalized, as seen in Luke 10:25-37, when Jesus was asked “Who is my neighbour?” by a teacher of the law and he answered him by telling the parable of the Good Samaritan; and

WHEREAS the AIDS crisis challenges us profoundly to be the church as a healing community; and

WHEREAS as a member of the World Council of Churches, the United Church is called upon to:

  1. identify resources for a collaboration in preventative education;

  2. provide timely and relevant information where possible and necessary;

  3. assure funding for AIDS research and much-needed public education;

  4. work against the real danger that AIDS will be used as an excuse for discrimination and oppression (W.C.C. Consultation on AIDS and the churches):

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 32nd General Council

  1. urge the federal Government of Canada to implement and uphold policies and programs, such as the Canada Assistance Plan, to ensure that persons with AIDS, person who test seropositive to the AIDS virus and persons perceived to be at risk of contracting AIDS be guaranteed full access to:

    1. all available health and social services, and

    2. adequate protection of employment and housing rights; and

  2. commend the federal government for its initial funding of the research for experimental drugs for the treatment of AIDS and encourage the continuance of funding; and

  3. urge the Minister of Health to use discretionary powers in recognizing the test results of other countries in order to approve the importation and distribution of drugs for AIDS treatment as quickly as possible.


GC32 1988 ROP, p. 716-717, Executive Minutes, Nov. 1988, p. 60

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