The phrase “hostility to the traffic” was used by the 6th General Council, and in the Record of Proceedings of the 8th, 9th, and 13th General Councils there is reference to “the uncompromising hostility” of the United Church to the beverage alcohol business. Similar positions have been taken by other churches in both Canada and the United States.
The hostility of the United Church has been expressed in such ways as:
THAT our church policy be:
Active resistance to the evils of the liquor traffic.
Responsible concern for the widespread problems it creates, in which we must share responsibility.
A vigorous witness to our Christian principles.
A personal dedication to the will of God.
In most parts of the country the taxes and other governmental revenues from the beverage alcohol traffic are part of the public purse. The use of such money accustoms legislatures to an attitude of dependence upon this source of revenue and militates against any governmental regulation of the traffic that might jeopardize or lessen these taxes.
THAT a substantially larger share of government revenue be spent for such purposes as:
The underwriting of alcohol education in schools and colleges.
GC19 1960 ROP, pp. 58, 64, 265-300