GCE Abortion and the Criminal Code (1989A116)

THAT the Executive of General Council:

  1. Re-affirm the theological principles, ethical norms and recommended strategies for prevention of unwanted pregnancies and the support of women in the 1980 statement;
  2. Urge the Government of Canada not to use provisions in the criminal code to regulate abortion;
  3. Urge the Government of Canada through the use of shared funding under the Canada Health Act to require all provincial governments to provide adequate contraceptive education and services to effectively reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancies; and to provide adequate access to early diagnosis and termination of pregnancy so that any abortion should be as early as possible;
  4. Eliminate the suggestion that consultation with a second doctor should be required for abortions after the 12-14 week period.

THAT the 1980 statement be revised so that it reads as follows:

on the second page:

  1. Abortion
    1. The previous law, which required a Hospital therapeutic abortion should be a personal matter between a woman and her doctor, who should earnestly consider their understanding of the particular situation permitting the woman to bring to bear her moral and religious insights into human life in reaching a decision through a free and responsive exercise of her conscience.

on the third page


  1. We urge the Government of Canada to:
    1. Not use the provisions in the Criminal Code to regulate abortion;
    2. Enact and enforce penalties for people who without the required medical qualifications perform or attempt to perform abortions or who perform or attempt abortion in places other than those approved for that purpose;
    3. Through the use of shared funding under the Canada health Act to require all provincial governments to provide adequate contraceptive education and services to effectively reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancies; and to provide early access to early diagnosis and, if necessary, termination of pregnancy so that any abortion should be as early as possible.
  2. We urge provincial governments to:
    1. Provide adequate contraceptive education and services;
    2. Provide facilities, and require all hospitals to declare publicly their policy on abortion.


GCE 1989 ROP, pp. 207-208

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Originating Body

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