WHEREAS in His Ministry Jesus demonstrated a special concern for children and their well-being saying, “Whoever welcomes a little child in my name welcomes me” (Matthew 18:5); and
WHEREAS The United Church of Canada has consistently supported the activities of the Infant Feeding Action Coalition of Canada (INFACT); and
WHEREAS according to INFACT the Canadian Infant Formula Association marketing guidelines announced in October 1987 fall far short of the minimum standards established by the Wolrd Health Organizations; and
WHEREAS according to INFACT Canada these guidelines represent a potential hazard to infants and permit the undermining of breast feeding education programs; and
WHEREAS the loss of Canada’s international credibility by accepting these guidelines represents a loss of potential for Canada to be a model and support to Third World countries attempting to implement the World Health standards:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 63rd Annual Meeting of the British Columbia Conference of The United Church of Canada petition the General Council to urge the Canadian Government to:
Rescind its endorsement of the marketing guidelines of the Canadian Infant Formula Association; and
2Communicate this request to the Hon. Jake Epp, Minister of National Health and Welfare;
Urge congregations to write their member of parliament to affirm the request in No. 1.
GC32 1988 ROP, p. 717