That the 32nd General Council receive the report Toward A Christian Understanding of Sexual Orientations, Lifestyles and Ministry along with the Dissenting Statements, as fulfilling the mandate given by the 30th General Council, 1984. [ROP 1988, page 96]
We wish to remind the Church that there exists, in The United Church of Canada, a long tradition of commitment to the importance of marriage and family. The following are referred to in the body of the SOLM report.
The Basis of Union: Article XX
The Permanence of Christian Marriage
Gift, Dilemma and Promise
The following affirmations are set forth on pages 36 & 37 of Gift, Dilemma and Promise.
A Confessional Statement
Of Faith
Of Sin
Of Infirmity
Of Fact
We confess that only recently has The United Church of Canada become aware of and involved in the dialogue leading toward a Christian understanding of human sexuality. In light of the foregoing confessional statement, the 32nd General Council challenges The United Church of Canada to continue to be a covenant community, wherein:
On the strength of our ongoing covenant relationship as The United Church of Canada, we are called to examine two theologically-based but culturally conditioned views, namely;
Neither view is fully consistent with God’s intention for us, nor has either view liberated us to faithful love in Christ. [ROP 1988, page 102-103]
32nd General Council Record of Proceedings, pages 95-112