Having given careful consideration to the comment expressed that a ban on the production of land mines would remove a significant defensive weapon from members of the Canadian Armed Forces in any future war;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 36th General Council:
send letters of thanks to the Departments of External Affairs and National Defence for their intentional efforts to achieve a ban on the production, export, and operational use of antipersonnel landmines;
urge the federal government to increase Canadian assistance to provide programmes for the rehabilitation of landmine victims;
urge the federal government to increase available financial resources and such other support as is necessary to ensure that Canadian forces personnel involved in clearing landmines have adequate training and the most up-to-date technology available;
encourage pastoral charges to use resources on landmines available from Project Ploughshares, the Canadian Red Cross Society, and the Cambodian War Amputees Rehabilitation Society (CWARS);
through a letter to the Department of National Defence, express our deep gratitude to the Canadian Forces involved in de-mining activities and convey our hopes for their continued wisdom, energy, and patience as they risk their lives daily by clearing mines that have been laid.
GC36 1997 ROP, p. 921