Taxonomy Term: Peace

GC35 United Nations Peacekeeping Endeavours (1994U551)

WHEREAS Christ calls the church to be concerned for this world; and WHEREAS the ways of peace and reconciliation are… continue reading

GC25 United Nations Charter Revision (1972U551)

WHEREAS the United Nations Charter is revised every ten years; and WHEREAS it is the conviction of this Committee that… continue reading

GCE Persian Gulf Crisis (1990P237)

Whereas the Persian Gulf Crisis threatens to erupt into full-scale war of disastrous proportions, potentially involving… continue reading

GC38 Peace-building and Justice Making (2003P217)

As followers of Jesus we are called to live in peace (2 Corinthians 13:11). We believe that the Hebrews Scriptures tell… continue reading

GC39 Pathways to Peace in the Holy Land (GC39 2006-049)

Declare our willingness to support and participate in the World Council of Churches' proposed week for International… continue reading

GC38 Paths to Peace in Israel and Palestine (2003P162)

the Executive of General Council has affirmed its conviction that “a necessary step towards true peace in the region… continue reading

GC41 Working Group on Palestine Israel Policy

That the 41st General Council 2012: 1) receive the report of The Working Group on Israel/Palestine Policy; 2) direct… continue reading

GC34 War in Yugoslavia (1992W197)

The 34th General Council agrees to a) declare its revulsion at the acts of war and atrocities carried out in the former… continue reading

GC33 Towards a Peace Process in El Salvador (1990T562)

WHEREAS to be a Church signifies not only a willingness but a responsibility to be in solidarity with those suffering… continue reading

GC42 Toward a Just Peace in Israel/Palestine (GC42 2015 - 053)

That the 42nd General Council (2015) direct the General Secretary, General Council to: Focus the current strategies… continue reading