WHEREAS The United Church of Canada, in the apology offered by the 31st General Council to the Native people of Canada, committed itself to walk together with them "so that our people may be blessed and God's Creation healed"; and,
WHEREAS there can be no healing until and unless the wounds inflicted on Native people by the residential school system, in which the churches participated as the agents of the federal government, are acknowledged and addressed; and,
WHEREAS the likelihood of such healing is made greater if the Canadian people, through a process of education, begin to listen to the history of oppression as it is told by the survivors themselves; and those who have been oppressed are provided with resources to promote healing within their communities, and
WHEREAS there have been centres for healing established by various native communities; and
WHEREAS the British Columbia Land Claims Campaign provides a helpful model for the national Church to follow, in that it combines educational processes with the raising of a significant sum of money for the purpose of promoting the settlement of land claims;
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the 35th General Council: