That the 42nd General Council (2015) direct the General Secretary, General Council to:
send letters of support and solidarity to the Progressive Evangelical congregations in Canada and the United States who have made supportive statements of inclusion and welcome to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people;
encourage and/or invite congregations who have made such statements and find themselves without a church building due to the denominational body withdrawing their support and property from the congregation, to enter into negotiations with any congregations that are open to sharing their space. These negotiations, along with presbytery, could provide these progressive congregations with a building and explore ways for them to become a part of The United Church of Canada; and
explore the implications and possibilities of welcoming Progressive Evangelicals (including pastors who wish to be admitted) into The United Church of Canada as we move through this time of emergence in the church.
GC42 2015 ROP, pp. 194-195, 475