WHEREAS we, as Christians, recognize all peoples of the earth as our brothers and sisters; and
WHEREAS the escalating world arms race is now costing hundreds of billions of dollars a year perverting and squandering precious national resources, robbing the human family of food, water, health, education, housing, roads, transportation and peaceful industry; and
WHEREAS we believe nuclear weapons pose a great and immediate threat to all life on this planet; and
WHEREAS we believe the new developments in chemical and biological weapons pose as great a threat to all life on this planet; and
WHEREAS Canada has a long and proud history of being involved in peacekeeping initiatives; and
WHEREAS Canada, with its strong history of peace initiatives would be a strong witness to the world as a zone free of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons:
THAT the 29th General Council of The United Church of Canada:
GC29 1982 ROP, pp. 99-100