WHEREAS we have been informed of investigations by church groups from the United States of America which indicate that people who had been returned to El Salvador were killed and that for people to be returned to El Salvador means almost certain death, so that it is therefore important that an alternative place of safety be provided; and
WHEREAS Alberta Conference has already taken this action:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the General Council, by means of letters from the Secretary of General Council to President Reagan of the United States of America; Prime Minister P.E. Trudeau; the Hon. Mark MacGuigan, Secretary of State for External Affairs; the Hon. Lloyd Axworthy, Minister of Manpower and Immigration; and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees:
CONDEMN the practice of the government of the United States of America of returning to El Salvador, Salvadoreans who have come to, or, are in the United States of America; and
URGE the Canadian government to accept as refugees to Canada people from El Salvador scheduled to be returned.
GC29 1982 ROP, pp. 263-293, 479