Faith Base
The issue here is the moral issue of loving our neighbour as ourselves, recognizing our common humanity; education in the history of religions is needed by any responsible person in our society, in order to combat the ignorance that feeds racism, prejudice and bigotry. This petition is not advocating any particular theology of religion or a missiology of any kind. It is simply recognizing that knowledge of other religious traditions is necessary for peace and reconciliation in the world.
WHEREAS our Canadian society is becoming increasingly pluralistic and multicultural, with people of many different religious traditions living in close proximity; and
WHEREAS racism is at least partly a product of ignorance about the different cultural orientation of other people; and
WHEREAS a knowledge of the religious traditions of the major participants is an essential element in understanding world affairs; and
WHEREAS the roots of contemporary cultural life lie in the religious beliefs and especially the scriptures of the different peoples involved; and
WHEREAS religion is a major element in human history, such that general education cannot be complete without some knowledge of religion; and
WHEREAS public education in Canada does not typically include teachings about the history and scriptures of the major world religions:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Saskatoon Presbytery petition the General Council of The United Church of Canada
to ask departments of education in all provinces to provide in their secondary school curricula for the teaching of world religions, especially as these are represented in Canadian society;
to implement such a program by the use of teachers qualified through university departments of religious studies.
1984 ROP, p. 520