Taxonomy Term: Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations

GC30 World Religions: Teaching of in Secondary School Curricula (1984W562)

The issue here is the moral issue of loving our neighbour as ourselves, recognizing our common humanity; education in… continue reading

Marriage: Report of the Roman Catholic/United Church Dialogue

Since establishment in 1975, the Roman Catholic Church/United Church of Canada Dialogue has discussed, and issued… continue reading

Report of the Dialogue on the Theme: Sin, Reconciliation, and Ecclesial Identity

I. THE THEME: Following a fruitful discussion of Trinitarian language at baptism, the Canadian Roman Catholic/United… continue reading

Report of anglican–united church dialogue 2003–2009

St. Brigid Report, so named because it was completed on St. Brigid’s Day, February 1, 2009. The metaphor “drawing from… continue reading

That We May Know Each Other study document

The United Church of Canada is called continually in all courts of the church to bear witness to Jesus Christ in the… continue reading

That We May Know Each Other final statement

The United Church of Canada is called continually in all courts of the church to bear witness to Jesus Christ in the… continue reading

Interim Report of the Anglican Church of Canada-United Church of Canada Dialogue

The current phase of the theological dialogue between the Anglican Church of Canada and the United Church of Canada… continue reading

GC36 Bearing Faithful Witness

The 36th General Council (1997) authorized this document for study in The United Church of Canada. People of the United… continue reading

Mending the World

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel used to tell the story that when God, the Holy One, gets up in the morning, God gathers… continue reading

GCE Statement on Antisemitism (2002)

In the face of the recent upsurge of attacks against Jewish people and property in Canada and around the world, The… continue reading