GCSE36 Minutes 1998-01-30


January 30, 1998 Teleconference Meeting

Present: Bill Phipps, Virginia Coleman, Lorna Teed, David Carrothers, Harold Manual, Hazel Bigby, Lois Creith, Mollie Williams, Michael Scott, Bernice Luce, Claire Borel-Christian

1. Words of Constitution. 
The Moderator duly constituted the meeting of the Sub-Executive of the General Council.

2. Corresponding Members. 
Moved/seconded Coleman/Bigby that Steve Adams, General Secretary, Finance, Anne Shirley Sutherland, General Secretary, Human Resources, and, David Iverson, General Secretary, Division of Mission in Canada be made corresponding members for this meeting of the Sub-Executive.

The motion CARRIED

3. Decision to Make the Appointment or to Authorize a Mail Ballot.
After some discussion it was agreed that the Sub-Executive consider the appointment of one of the Programme Directors in the Division of Mission in Canada rather than authorize a mail ballot to the full Executive. It was noted that if the Sub-Executive is willing to make the appointment of the recommended candidate, Dave Iverson will be able to make the announcement at the Division Annual General Meeting which is currently in session.

4. Motion Seeking Appointment. 
Moved/seconded, Coleman/Manual, that Richard Chambers be appointed as one of the Programme Directors in the Division of Mission in Canada.

Anne Shirley Sutherland provided information about Richard's background and skills and indicated the enthusiasm of the search committee in placing this recommendation. Harold Manual was the General Council Executive representative on this search and selection committee.

It was noted that the exact starting date will be negotiated among Richard Chambers, Dave Iverson, and Anne Shirley Sutherland

The motion CARRIED

It was requested that Dave Iverson pass on to Richard the best wishes of the members of the Sub-Executive and God's blessing as he moves into his new role in the Division.

Lois Creith moved that the meeting adjourn.

The Moderator thanked members for their participation and Dave Iverson added thanks to the Sub-Executive for their action.


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