GCE44 GS 144 Approval of Interim Office Location for March 2025

1. What is the issue?

In November to 2024, the Executive approved GS 107 – Authorization to Relocate to Interim Location prior to the move to 300 Bloor Street. The General Secretary was directed to explore and assess interim office location options and develop a project plan that was operationally and financially viable, and, if adequate space was found, to terminate the current office lease at the end of its term in 2026. We have secured adequate space for your final approval.

2. Why is it important?

After preliminary searches, a couple of options were identified. A staff survey was also conducted in December 2024 to gather data on staff commuting patterns to be included in the office location selection criteria.

The selection was based on criteria including accessibility, cost, size, layout, and staff commute survey data. The staff survey revealed that, among the 68 staff who participated, 39.68% were coming from the western end of the Greater Toronto area, and 38.10% from the eastern end. The survey also asked about the modes of transportation used by staff, finding that 32% used cars, 25% used public transit, and 13% used a combination of car and public transit.

The extra move to an interim location is expected to deliver at least $500,000 in one-time savings on office rental costs in 2026, with manageable interruption to operations, as most staff continue to are work remotely most of the time. However, it does add pressure on the moving planning team, especially the IT team. To mitigate this pressure, temporary contracts will be utilized to assist with the move.

The next steps include preparing communication to the staff about the interim office location decision and establish a detailed project plan ensuring a smooth transition to the interim office location.

3. How might the General Council Executive respond?

The General Secretary recommends that the Executive of the General Council

  • approves the interim move of the General Council Office to the Presbyterian Church office at 50 Wynford Drive, North York, Ontario, and
  • the termination of the current lease at 3250 Bloor Street West as of February 28, 2026


4. For the body transmitting this proposal to the General Council Executive:

The Executive of the General Council has the responsibility of ensuring that there is a General Council Office (Manual D.5.3.4).

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Originating Body

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