GCE44 NOM 16 Recommendations for Appointment for March 2025

1. What is the issue?

We believe that the Holy Spirit calls us to use our God‐given gifts. Our gifts differ, but all are needed. The practices of Christian spiritual formation call on us to practice individual and group discernment in selecting and affirming leaders for the church.

2. Why is this issue important?

The Executive of the General Council needs to appoint and authorize members to serve on committees and task groups which conduct work on its behalf and as delegates to represent The United Church of Canada. On this occasion, the Executive also has a responsibility to ensure that leadership is in place in the role of chair for the Pension Plan Advisory Committee.

3. How might the General Council Executive respond to the Issue?

The Nominations Committee and the Pension Board jointly proposes that the Executive of the General Council extend the appoint of Jacques Tremblay to January 2026.

4. What will be the impact?

Appointments are offered with a view to the strategic objective of Invigorate Leadership: Adapting and Innovating for Bold Discipleship. The work that this role advances falls within the strategic objective of Common Good: Equity and Sustainability in Resources.

5. How does this proposal help us live into the commitments on equity?

In its discernment, the Nominations Committee considers diversity with regards to geography, gender identity and ministry stream, as well as the myriad ways that our lives, cultures and lived experiences make each of us unique. All members of committees and representatives of The United Church of Canada to ecumenical bodies are expected to uphold the United Church’s commitments to equity in the roles to which they are being appointed.

6. For the body transmitting this proposal to the General Council Executive:

Pension Board THAT the Board recommend to the Nominations Committee that Jacques Tremblay’s term as chair of PPAC be extended to January 2026. Carried

The Nominations Committee: Lynella Reid-James (chair), YongSeok Baek (regrets), Katherine Brittain, Allan Buckingham, Jessica Stevenson, Pat Tooley, Samuel Dansokho (GCE), Richard Bott (GCE, regrets), Norm Seli (Board of Vocation liaison). Diane Bosman & Jamie Wilder (staff)

The Nominations Committee offers gratitude to all who serve and prays for faith and joy in their appointments.

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Originating Body

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