This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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The 2023 annual meeting of the 44ᵗʰ General Council approved in principle the use of a principle-based approach to the justice work of the United Church.
The issue addressed by this proposal is the inequity and human rights violations caused by the State of Israel in its ongoing occupation of the Palestinian Territories. How are we, as followers of Jesus, called to respond to the suffering of our neighbours?
Our Palestinian partners are calling on the United Church of Canada and other ecumenical partners to stand in solidarity with their suffering and to listen to their cries for a just peace by taking action on the requests from Kairos Palestine.
The proposal Towards Peace in Palestine and Israel: A Call to Costly Solidarity (PMM20), adopted by the Executive of the 42nd General Council called for a process to review the church’s policy on Palestine and Israel in light of the changing context and partner calls for solidarity.
We believe God/Jesus/Holy Spirit is calling us to join in solidarity against the actions of the Government of Israel and join in sanctions.
Our Palestinian partners are calling on The United Church of Canada and other ecumenical partners to be in solidarity with their suffering and to listen to their cries for a just peace by taking action on the requests from Kairos Palestine.
In response to the deteriorating human rights situation there, the United Church of Canada has spoken out about the plight of Palestinians frequently over the decades. One of the actions it has recommended is that faith communities and United Church entities holding investment funds take economic and other measures to draw attention to the occupation of Palestinian lands, and in particular, to illegal settlements.