This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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The General Secretary's Accountability Report for the 2024 GCE44 March Meeting
The Executive of the 42nd General Council received the report calling for a process to review the church’s policy on Palestine and Israel in light of the changing context and partner calls for solidarity.
The General Secretary's Accountability Report for the 2024 GC44 Annual MeetingTopics include:2024 Annual Strategic PlanFinancial PlanningCentennial CelebrationThen Let Us Sing!300 Bloor StreetEmergent...
The General Secretary's Accountability Report for the 2023 GC44 Annual Meeting.
The principles of UNDRIP are resonant in the National Indigenous Church’s proposal to General Council 44 on creating a new national Indigenous organization, and in the remit supporting this. A significant investment of time has been made in preparing materials to support the remit as a commitment to UNDRIP.
The PROK has invited the United Church to join in making a similarly powerful symbolic witness for reconciliation by renouncing all claims to former United Church-related property in what is now North Korea. This report provides background to this invitation and recommendations for General Council.