This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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That the 41st General Council 2012 call upon the Government of Canada to reverse their decision to make age 67 the minimum age for application for Old Age Security (OAS) and Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) benefits and direct the General Secretary, General Council to communicate this stance. Old Age Security, OAS, Guaranteed Income Supplement, GIS, minimum age for application for Old Age Security
recommend to the General Secretary, General Council for implementation or study the following: take actions over the next 3 years to focus on the global ocean, in the lead-up to a possible focus on the global ocean at GC42 in Newfoundland;
1) recognise the emergence of new social movements, which specifically challenge the neo liberal Empire; 2) direct the Executive of the General Council to mobilise the people of The United Church of Canada (at every level) to embody prophetic and liberating values; and 3) direct the General Secretary, General Council to call upon The United Church of Canada’s ecumenical and other partners to mobilise in a similar fashion.
That the 41st General Council 2012 direct the General Secretary, General Council to urge the Government of Canada and initiate an individual communication campaign across The United Church of Canada to: institute an immediate moratorium on the expansion of in situ bituminous sands developments;
That the 41st General Council 2012 direct the General Secretary, General Council to call on the Government of Canada and the leaders of Canadian political parties and also initiate an individual communication campaign across The United Church of Canada in support of this call, to:
That the 41st General Council 2012: 1) receive the report of The Working Group on Israel/Palestine Policy; 2) direct that United Church policies and actions, in relation to Israel and Palestine, reflect the content of the report as these have been affirmed in the motions number 3 through 13 and recommend the report and its policies to its members for study, prayerful discernment and personal action.
Since establishment in 1975, the Roman Catholic Church/United Church of Canada Dialogue has discussed, and issued reports on, a number of topics. In 2004, following contrary briefs by their two churches to the Supreme Court of Canada on same-sex marriage, the Dialogue after deep reflection decided on Marriage as its next topic. Praying for the guidance of the Spirit, the Dialogue has wrestled the subject joyfully, and is now reporting consensually under the headings of Social Context, Theology of Marriage, Christian Wedding, Pastoral Care and Marriage in Society, as well as Conclusions and Recommendations. Appendix A contains a selected bibliography; and Appendix B the chronological list of persons involved in the dialogue on this subject from 2004 until 2012.
Ministries with persons with disabilities are not a new phenomenon in The United Church of Canada. For example, since the inception of the Ecumenical Disabilities Advocates Network in 1998—a program of the World Council of Churches—the United Church has offered financial and logistical support for this member of our global partner community. More locally in Canada, the Executive of General Council of The United Church of Canada recently formed a Task Group on Disability Policies and Procedures to review the current provisions of The Manual concerning disability for ministry personnel. The review will clarify the obligations of ministry personnel and, where applicable, their pastoral charges when ministry personnel are eligible for the restorative care plan or long term disability.
The Permanent committee, Programs for Mission and Ministry, in reviewing its work through the 2009-2012 triennium discerned a common thread that linked each aspect of its work. Given its mandate to ensure that work comes before the Executive in an integrated manner it undertook and offers this report as one means of fulfilling that direction. The report will continue to serve as a working document for the PCPMM. It also believes that it can assist the General Council and its Executive l in their deliberations on the identity of the church.
The Permanent Committee, Programs for Mission and Ministry proposes that the Executive of General Council: 1) Receive the report “Intercultural Ministries: Living into Transformation”; 2) Forward it and the following proposal to the 41st General Council for decision.