This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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That the Executive of the General Council make the following Statement on Anti-Semitism: In the face of the recent upsurge of attacks against Jewish people and property in Canada and around the world, The United Church of Canada reiterates its absolute condemnation of all acts of antisemitism.
Animal to human organ and tissue transplantation poses significant risks both to transplant patients and to society at large – including the possibility of new diseases crossing the species barrier and causing future epidemics Keywords: Organ Transplants, Xenotransplantation, Organ Donation
Minutes from GCE37 meeting held on November 2, 2001.
Minutes from GCE37 meeting held on April 27, 2001.
Minutes from GCE37 meeting held on November 3, 2000.
Minutes from GCE36 meeting held on April 28, 2000.
Minutes from GCE36 meeting held on October 22, 1999.
Minutes from GCE36 meeting held on April 23, 1999.
Minutes from GCE36 meeting held on October 23, 1998.
That the Moderator and the General Secretary write to the Parole Board to say that: while we believe in restorative justice, in the church’s recent experience with Mr. Plint in the Port Alberni trial, there was no evidence of remorse or substantial rehabilitation on his part; the church is aware of and supports concerns for the victims of Mr. Plint; and the church urge the Parole Board to deny parole until such time as Mr. Plint has shown genuine remorse and evidence of rehabilitation.