This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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WHEREAS we believe that the Canadian government’s policy and practice of aid for Central American countries do not respect the situation as we see it through our partner’s experience and from our visits; and 1. whether or not a receiving government protects the human rights of its citizens, and 2. whether or not the receiving government is committed to authentic development which will benefit the whole of its people, and there is now a regionally created peace plan (the Esquipulas II Peace Accord) to which all concerned countries have agreed, a country’s compliance to its terms is not an additional criterion; and
support food aid for emergency needs but remain very cautious about supporting the use of food aid for other purposes, relying upon the wisdom of our partners in such instances, insuring that the root causes of under-development will be addressed and that the food aid will not have adverse consequences for long-term agricultural productivity Keywords: Economic security, Social Assistance Systems, Social Programs, Foreign Aid, Food Aid, Emergency Aid, Food Security
WHEREAS no authentic peace is possible without justice; and WHEREAS the suffering of the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation is severe and unacceptable; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 32nd General Council: Affirm strongly the interfaith organizations in Canada that are working for reconciliation in Israel and the occupied territories; Request the Division of World Outreach to consider providing further support and assistance to organizations in Israel that are striving for cooperation and peace, including the Middle East Council of Churches in its particular ministry of reconciliation;
he concern expressed by the 31st General Council Record of Proceedings, pages 120-121, and the guidelines approved by the 30th General Council, Record of Proceedings, pages 106-107 and 325-329, has not been adequately addressed in the published bilateral trade agreement, in particular that it limits our democratic ability to use capital resources for worthy national purposes and our ability to use our democratic and economic institutions to more adequately care for each other as Canadians, working at home and abroad for a truly just, participatory and sustainable society Keywords: Free Trace, Record of Proceedings, economic justice
On the basis of letters from presbyteries and petitions from conferences to the 36th General Council, the Executive of General Council asked the Division of Mission in Canada to prepare a policy update on gambling in Canada. This policy was to address, in particular, the increasing use of gambling and gaming by governments to generate income. The DMC was asked to prepare an updated policy recommendation on gambling as a public policy issue for the April meeting of the GCE.
WHEREAS we affirm Jesus Christ as the life-giver of the world; and WHEREAS submarines may usually bear arms and arms bring death, not life; and WHEREAS the government of Canada has decided to buy a fleet of nuclear-powered submarines at an estimated cost of $8 billion dollars; and WHEREAS the Canadian Centre for Arms Control and Disarmament released a study on February 24, 1988, which concludes that building, staffing, hand operating these submarines could drive the total costs to between 12.5 billion dollars and 14.8 billion dollars
WHEREAS nuclear-powered submarines will not increase our security; and WHEREAS the use of nuclear technology for military purpose will be seen as being provocative and as contravening our previous agreements to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes only; and WHEREAS the cost of nuclear submarines is not justifiable on any grounds, especially in view of unmet human needs; for example, the predicted famine in Africa this year:
WHEREAS the proposed drilling for oil on the Georges Bank might result in serious economic loss to fishermen in the area: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 32nd General Council request the General Secretary of General Council to urge the appropriate federal and provincial authorities to conduct an environmental assessment study to ensure that such drilling will not seriously damage the fishery.
WHEREAS it has been demonstrated that overfishing of stocks of fish which straddle the 200 mile limit is seriously reducing the fish available to Canadian fishermen: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 32nd General Council request the General Secretary to invite the Government of Canada, through the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, to take action to obtain international agreement on quotas for the various fish species.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 32nd General Council requests the General Secretary of General Council to request the federal government to develop a white paper for discussion purposes on the impact of plant breeders’ rights legislation on Canadian and developing countries before proceeding further.