In response to NEW05 and having the benefit of the discussion at General Council 44 on October 19, 2024, and the background documentation and timeline of events, the Executive of the General Council
MembershipThe 44th General Council in 2022 elected the following members to its Executive to serve until the rise of the 46th General Council, 2028: Michael Caveney (OM), M Chorney (LM), Catherine Glo...
The ability of a regional council to elect at-large members is important to reflect the diversity within the regional council and have the benefit of these members’ input and wisdom.
The 2023 annual meeting of the 44ᵗʰ General Council approved in principle the use of a principle-based approach to the justice work of the United Church.
The policy regarding financial support for ministry personnel (The Manual J.6.7) lacks flexibility and discretion of application.
A summary of the work of the GCE.
The proposal Towards Peace in Palestine and Israel: A Call to Costly Solidarity (PMM20), adopted by the Executive of the 42nd General Council called for a process to review the church’s policy on Palestine and Israel in light of the changing context and partner calls for solidarity.