This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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The General Secretary recommends that the 44th General Council, 2024...
With the enactment of “Remit 4: Funding a New Model”, it was intended that all pastoral charges would share in funding both regional and denominational governance work in a proportional and transparent way.
The 44th General Council 2022 authorized a category 3 remit, to amend the Basis of Union of The Manual of The United Church of Canada. It required a majority vote of regional councils and communities of faith.
The Executive of the 42nd General Council received the report calling for a process to review the church’s policy on Palestine and Israel in light of the changing context and partner calls for solidarity.
The General Secretary's Accountability Report for the 2024 GC44 Annual MeetingTopics include:2024 Annual Strategic PlanFinancial PlanningCentennial CelebrationThen Let Us Sing!300 Bloor StreetEmergent...
We believe God/Jesus Christ/the Holy Spirit is calling the church to recognize the lifelong call to ministry and faithful service in response to that call of many current Designated Lay Ministers. While their practice of ministry is indistinguishable from that of ordered ministers in the eyes of many church members, DLMs have been frustrated, hurt and disappointed at continuing to be limited to appointments and not eligible for call, paid at lower minimum salary schedule than ordered ministers, and retaining no status as ministry personnel between appointments and in retirement in many regional councils.
Rules of order for the GC44 Annual General Meeting.
General Secretary's recommended motions.
General Council 44 first affirmed the existing assessment rate in 2022 and is again being asked in 2023 to affirm the current rates and principles for 2024 and potentially longer.
Given that prior to the Korean War the United Church owned mission properties in what is now the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), the PROK has invited the United Church to act in response to this declaration.