The Manual of The United Church of Canada, 2023 edition, effective January 1 - December 31, 2023.
ROP of the United Church's 43rd General Council, July 21-27, 2018, Oshawa, Ontario.
ROP of the United Church's 42nd General Council, August 8-14, 2015, Corner Brook, Newfoundland.
ROP of the United Church's 41st General Council, August 11-18, 2012, Ottawa, Ontario.
ROP of the United Church's 40th Council, August 9-15, 2009, Kelowna, British Columbia.
ROP of the United Church's 39th Council, August 13-19, 2006, Thunder Bay, Ontario.
A Petition requesting the United Church of Canada develop a position on human Cloning
WHEREAS we read in Genesis (Gen 1.1) ‘In the beginning God created’ and; WHEREAS throughout scripture we hear an underlying theme of reverence for life and; WHEREAS in our creed we affirm that ‘We are called to live with respect in Creation’ and;