This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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We believe God is calling The United Church of Canada to deepen its racial justice work by making a clear and unequivocal commitment to becoming an anti-racist denomination. God’s Spirit continues to move in this time, and calls people in the church to respond to ongoing manifestations of racial injustice in church and in society.
People in the United Church have developed anti-racism policies and education programs, worked towards reconciliation and Indigenous justice, adopted the Calls to the Church, and created intercultural policies and initiatives.
That the Executive of the General Council approve that: • Before being recognized as a candidate, an inquirer must complete all mandatory trainings required of ministry personnel; and • The following statement be added to the Entering Ministry Handbook in the section “Inquiry and Discernment” to reflect this addition policy
That The Executive of the General Council as part of its response to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action, and its commitment to reconciliation with Aboriginal Peoples, and in light of previous commitments to racial justice and anti-black racism, name work on identifying and understanding White privilege as important for the church and direct the General Secretary, General Council to appoint a task group to create an education program around White privilege for the church. Included in the terms of reference for the task group would be to develop or identify:
That the Executive of the General Council, in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Call to Action 48:formally adopt the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous ...
The Aboriginal Ministries Council and the Committee on Indigenous Justice and Residential Schools propose: That the Executive of the General Council… 1. Publicly support the call of the Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) and the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) for the Government of Canada to convene as soon as possible a National Inquiry into missing and murdered Aboriginal women and girls in Canada, with Aboriginal women to have a leadership role in the design, decision-making, process and implementation of this inquiry;
Having received the correspondence from Maritime Conference, and the notice of motion of Pawis/Mabee from this fall 2003 meeting of the Executive of the General Council, and recognizing that it is seven years since the release of the Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, that a letter be written to the Government of Canada urging them to act on the recommendation of the report calling for a public inquiry on residential schools and that this matter be referred to the General Secretary for action.
That the Executive of the General Council endorse the legal position on the Baxter Class Action lawsuit taken by the Residential Schools Steering Committee in September 2003, and that any further legal decisions and actions be guided by the six principles in the “Building Towards Rights Relationships” document and that any subsequent modification of the legal position only occur when in the interests of the survivors of Residential Schools and with the approval of the Executive or Sub-Executive of the General Council.
That the Executive of the General Council authorize that a letter be sent from The United Church of Canada to the Government of Canada supporting the renewal of the Aboriginal Healing Foundation.