This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
Helpful topics
The Standards for Accreditation Committee brought a proposal to the Board of Vocation to offer a way forward after the 43rd General Council (2018) passed proposals regarding additional mandatory training for ministry personnel on topics like mental health, anti-homophobia/antitransphobia, and the Kairos Blanket Exercise.
The decision-making procedures of The United Church of Canada are governed by: 1) the by-laws as stated in The Manual; and b), as noted in The Manual Appendix, Section 3.7.
The Audit Committee requires a high-level of expertise in its membership to effectively carry-out its responsibilities on behalf of the church. Two adjustments to the committee’s membership requirements are requested to better enable this.
In February 2025, the Finance Advisory Committee identified a few additional changes to their terms of reference to more accurately describe their roles and responsibilities and clarify length of term.
The GC45 Planning Committee met in-person in Calgary in December 2024 with the goal of drafting a complete version of the GC45 schedule and assessing the needs of each sub-committee to complete its role in the new year. Though holding this in-person meeting ate into our budget, all involved felt the expense was worthwhile as we faced many complications in drafting the schedule.
For the past 100 years the United Church of Canada has been served by faithful, committed and responsive ministry personnel.
Mending the World Roundtable: A Mechanism for Radical Accompaniment
The strategic objectives―Justice, Leadership, Common Good, Climate, and Indigenous Pathways―show strong intersections among them, and collectively contribute to the overarching strategic priority on Growth.
The national work of anti-racism and equity continues to be guided by the United Church’s National Anti-Racism Action Plan, which was initially shaped by the Anti-Racism Common Table, a national churc...