This report serves as an accountability measure and offers an overview of the church’s overall work on anti-racism and equity from the perspective of the General Council Office.
We believe God is calling The United Church of Canada to deepen its racial justice work by making a clear and unequivocal commitment to becoming an anti-racist denomination. God’s Spirit continues to move in this time, and calls people in the church to respond to ongoing manifestations of racial injustice in church and in society.
This timeline offers an overview of some key moments of anti-racism work in The United Church of Canada.
People in the United Church have developed anti-racism policies and education programs, worked towards reconciliation and Indigenous justice, adopted the Calls to the Church, and created intercultural policies and initiatives.
That the Executive of the General Council approve that: • Before being recognized as a candidate, an inquirer must complete all mandatory trainings required of ministry personnel; and • The following statement be added to the Entering Ministry Handbook in the section “Inquiry and Discernment” to reflect this addition policy
That The Executive of the General Council as part of its response to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action, and its commitment to reconciliation with Aboriginal Peoples, and in light of previous commitments to racial justice and anti-black racism, name work on identifying and understanding White privilege as important for the church and direct the General Secretary, General Council to appoint a task group to create an education program around White privilege for the church. Included in the terms of reference for the task group would be to develop or identify:
Encourage The United Church of Canada Foundation and direct the Executive of the General Council to take active steps to sell their holdings in the 200 largest fossil fuel companies; Keywords: fossil fuel, fossil fuel divestment
The Theology and Inter-Church Inter-Faith Committee was asked by the Executive of General Council in November 2013 to develop a theology of disability,[1] which could include concepts such as healing, cure, sin, and normalcy. From the beginning, we wrestled with the notion of developing a theology of disability because the category “disability” is not neatly defined or clear. With this principle in mind, we invited people living with disabilities, and allies, to tell their own stories. The italicized sections of this report represent a small selection of the 35 submissions received in writing, video performance, and artistic work which we received in answer to our invitation to tell the church a story over a cup of coffee about living with a disability, or being an ally with a person with a disability. We have been honoured to be entrusted with these stories, some painful and some joyful, that have enriched the development of this report.
That the 42nd General Council direct the General Secretary, General Council to ask publicly for commitment from the Federal Government that all Canadian communities, including First Nations communities, have access to running potable water by 2018; and encourage The United Church of Canada congregations and members to do likewise.