This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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he concern expressed by the 31st General Council Record of Proceedings, pages 120-121, and the guidelines approved by the 30th General Council, Record of Proceedings, pages 106-107 and 325-329, has not been adequately addressed in the published bilateral trade agreement, in particular that it limits our democratic ability to use capital resources for worthy national purposes and our ability to use our democratic and economic institutions to more adequately care for each other as Canadians, working at home and abroad for a truly just, participatory and sustainable society Keywords: Free Trace, Record of Proceedings, economic justice
On the basis of letters from presbyteries and petitions from conferences to the 36th General Council, the Executive of General Council asked the Division of Mission in Canada to prepare a policy update on gambling in Canada. This policy was to address, in particular, the increasing use of gambling and gaming by governments to generate income. The DMC was asked to prepare an updated policy recommendation on gambling as a public policy issue for the April meeting of the GCE.
Having heard petition #81, the Sessional Committee No. 11 recognizes the theological rationale and preamble, but offers the following resolution: 1 That the General Council of The United Church of Canada reaffirm The United Church of Canada’s previous statements concerning anti-semitism. 2 Review our actions and acknowledge the silence of our church during the years 1933-1945 in relation to the Holocaust in Europe. Racism, Justice, Anti-Semitism, Holocaust, Jews, Theological Education, Ecumenical, Interfaith, Religious, Religion, Ethno-cultural
WHEREAS various individuals and organizations in Canada are publishing and distributing “hate literature” against Jews and other racial and ethnic groups; WHEREAS such writings and distribution of racist ideas and material are in direct opposition to the spirit of Jesus Christ who taught love, reconciliation and the brotherhood/sisterhood of the human family; Racism, Justice, Anti-Semitism, Holocaust, Jews, Ecumenical, Interfaith, Ethno-cultural
Theological Affirmation We affirm that the Christian conviction that God loves and cares for all people includes persons with AIDS, and we reject the argument made by some that AIDS is God’s punishment for homosexuals. HIV/AIDS, Human Rights
That the 31st General Council endorse the work presently being done by the (church) in urging all levels of government to redirect cutbacks so that programs designed to help the poor and underprivileged both in Canada and abroad are not subject to funding cuts or closure and encourage the (church) to continue this work on our behalf.
THAT this 31st General Council: 1 INSTRUCT the Investment Committee through the Division of Finance to divest the church of all investments in corporations and companies having direct equity investment* in South Africa until power is shared democratically among all peoples of South Africa; and
Since the early 1980s the world has witnessed a rapid rise in arms spending and in military activity in many countries of the world. Because of trading links and foreign investment, countries like Canada have been inadvertently drawn into the current boom in the arms race, led in the west by the United States.
That the 31st General Council 1 Reaffirm the policy of The United Church of Canada that all formally constituted United Church groups abstain from applying for grants to government commissions or foundations based on lotteries. (ROP 27th GC p. 307)
Urge the Canadian government to restore 1990 as the latest date by which it commits itself to reach the target of 0.7% of Gross National Product for its international development assistance expenditures; Monitor such expenditures to insure that projects are technically appropriate to the culture situation and have basic local acceptance;