This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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produce appropriate study material (such as for Lent or Advent or through Mandate magazine) that addresses the issue of poverty, homelessness and economic disparity in this country Keywords: poverty, homelessness, social security
That the 41st General Council 2012 call upon the Government of Canada to reverse their decision to make age 67 the minimum age for application for Old Age Security (OAS) and Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) benefits and direct the General Secretary, General Council to communicate this stance. Old Age Security, OAS, Guaranteed Income Supplement, GIS, minimum age for application for Old Age Security
1) recognise the emergence of new social movements, which specifically challenge the neo liberal Empire; 2) direct the Executive of the General Council to mobilise the people of The United Church of Canada (at every level) to embody prophetic and liberating values; and 3) direct the General Secretary, General Council to call upon The United Church of Canada’s ecumenical and other partners to mobilise in a similar fashion.
Having received the correspondence from Maritime Conference, and the notice of motion of Pawis/Mabee from this fall 2003 meeting of the Executive of the General Council, and recognizing that it is seven years since the release of the Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, that a letter be written to the Government of Canada urging them to act on the recommendation of the report calling for a public inquiry on residential schools and that this matter be referred to the General Secretary for action.
That having read the “Building Toward Right Relationships” document that the Executive of the General Council affirm and adopt the six principles identified in the document as the principles that will guide The United Church of Canada at this point in its journey in its work to repair the harm done by the Residential Schools system in building right relations with Aboriginal people, and in any negotiations with government with respect to resolving the legacy of Indian Residential Schools and that we refer the information from table groups to the Residential Schools Steering Committee for their consideration.
That the Executive of the General Council endorse the legal position on the Baxter Class Action lawsuit taken by the Residential Schools Steering Committee in September 2003, and that any further legal decisions and actions be guided by the six principles in the “Building Towards Rights Relationships” document and that any subsequent modification of the legal position only occur when in the interests of the survivors of Residential Schools and with the approval of the Executive or Sub-Executive of the General Council.
That the Executive of the General Council authorize that a letter be sent from The United Church of Canada to the Government of Canada supporting the renewal of the Aboriginal Healing Foundation.
WHEREAS The United Church of Canada has a long history of critiquing unrestrained capitalism and advocating a humane and just economic system; and
WHEREAS The United Church of Canada has an ethical investment policy which screens against investment in alcohol, military products or tobacco products; and
That the 39th General Council 2006 1. Receive for information the report on Ethical Investment for Peace in Palestine and Israel. 2. Direct that the report inform the purpose statement(s) to be developed by this General Council. 3. Through the General Secretary, General Council invite the membership, congregations and organizations of The United Church of Canada to contribute to the realization of a just peace in Palestine and Israel through: