This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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Be it resolves that having heard Petitions 534, 535, 536, 539, 540, 541, and 542, and in the light of Resolution 91; that 1. The 31st General Council affirm the freedom of worship within The United Church of Canada and encourage a more broadly inclusive community by the use of a variety of human and other metaphors, images and pronouns for God in church documents, worship and liturgy.
SUPPORT all efforts to discourage smoking in work places, public buildings and all forms of public transportation, and ask local congregations to encourage and support such efforts in their communities;
The termination of the boycott was reported, and the action of the Division in October 1984 communicated. The Executive of General Council agreed to: 1 ENDORSE the International Nestle Boycott Committee (INBC) to terminate the current boycott of Nestle; 2 CELEBRATE the success of this seven-year campaign to change a major multinational company’s aggressive practices in marketing infant formula in the Third World, which contributed to severe malnutrition for many infants;
WE AFFIRM that our sexuality is a gift of God. In its life-enhancing, non-exploitive forms it is a primary way of relating to ourselves and to one another, and is the way God has chosen to continue the human race. We acknowledge that human sexuality, like all other aspects of human nature is affected and distorted by human sinfulness. We recognize the ambiguity of human nature and therefore of human sexuality. “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23)
WHEREAS sexism is a form of oppression that exists in church and society; and WHEREAS sexism functions to discriminate against women; and WHEREAS sexism is manifested and perpetuated through the traditions, policies, structures and theologies of the church and thereby supports and encourages the sexist patterns of society; and WHEREAS sexism is evil and contrary to the intention of God for creation; and WHEREAS other forms of oppression will not be eradicated until sexism is eliminated; and WHEREAS to work against the evil of sexism is to enter more fully into the process of transformation and therefore to act more faithfully as the people of God:
We affirm our acceptance of all human beings as persons made in the image of God, regardless of their sexual orientations. Accumulated social science research and the articulated experience of the vast majority of both heterosexual and homosexual men and women affirm that sexual orientation is not so much a matter of choice, as a “given” aspect of one’s identity, resulting probably from a complex interaction of genetic and environmental factors.
WHEREAS the use of illicit drugs continues to be a serious problem of epidemic proportions among our youth; and WHEREAS marijuana and the other cannabis products are the major entry drugs into the drug culture and drug dependence;
The General Council called on the governments of Canada (provincial and federal) to enact immediately legislation banning all alcohol advertising through the media; and, further, to challenge the members of the church to examine their own use of alcoholic beverages. Keywords: Alcohol, Liquor, Advertising
The Sessional Committee, noting that the report had been provided for information, presented the following resolution: The 28th General Council, in the Preamble to the Petition on Inclusive Language, states that “Children, youth, women and men, are all called to be members of the Body of Christ and the household and family of God.” We therefore affirm the work reported by the [Changing roles of Women and Men in Church and Society] Task Force to continue the educational process towards fulfilling its mandate.
As Amended by the Executive Council of the General Council, November 1989. Preamble As Christians we wish to affirm: The sanctity of human life, born or unborn. That life is much more that physical existence.