This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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That the 40th General Council 2009 1. Record its convictions that a just peace in the Middle East will require: · The denunciation of Human Rights abuses committed by Israel and Palestine, as documented by Amnesty International and the United Nations, that will result in Member States of the United Nations taking subsequent, appropriate actions; · That the occupation and siege of Gaza by Israel cease, requiring the full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza;
Whereas we have affirmed our desire and commitment to strive for just, peaceful, and sustainable communities in keeping with God s vision for wholeness of life; Whereas we are all inextricably interconnected in the web of creation, and affected by actions that impact on the sustainability and well-being of all of creation; Whereas scripture calls us to be peacemakers; Whereas God would have the whole world turn swords into ploughshares, we know that in many places ploughshares are turned into swords; military, peace, United Nations, humanitarian crisis
That the General Secretary, General Council, create resources for people of all ages for the purpose of: • recognizing homophobia • changing our behaviour and establishing just relationships and that attention be given to strategies for intervention and support on behalf of those who are caught in situations of homophobic abuse, In co-operation and consultation with Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble. sexuality, gay, lesbian, bisexual
Declare our willingness to support and participate in the World Council of Churches' proposed week for International Church Action for Peace in Palestine and Israel focusing on the Holy Land and provide educational material and worship resources.
When the 38th General Council-the highest decision-making body of The United Church of Canada-decided in 2003 to ask the federal government to recognize same-sex marriage in the marriage legislation, it was acting on a lengthy history of earlier actions. The purpose of this paper is to describe the United Church's historical and theological understanding of marriage. Our theological understanding of marriage is informed by . people, the very neighbours Jesus has invited us to love . scripture, which grounds our faith and our understanding of the nature and purpose of marriage . history, which affirms the importance of marriage as a social institution · social expectations, which regard marriage as a contractual relationship governed by legal sanctions and customs . marriage as sacred covenant, a means of God's grace not only for the marital partners but also for their offspring and for the wider community
In August 2000, the 37th General Council of The United Church of Canada overturned a policy that had been on its books since 1960 which stated that homosexuality is a sin. It reaffirmed that human sexual orientations and gender identities (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and heterosexual) are gifts from God, calling them “a part of the marvellous diversity of creation.” This resource was developed by the Justice, Global, and Ecumenical Relations Unit of The United Church of Canada, in response to this and other resolutions of the 37th and 38th General Council which called on the church to work for the civil recognition of same-sex partnerships, and to recognize them in church documentation and services of blessing, and for the recognition of them in federal marriage legislation.
the Executive of General Council has affirmed its conviction that “a necessary step towards true peace in the region will be through the implementation of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions specifically 242 (1967), 338 (1973) and UN General Assembly Resolution 194 (1948) and that these resolutions require … the withdrawal of Israel from the West Bank and Gaza including settlements
AN ALTERNATE LOGISTICS ARRANGEMENT: As an alternate arrangement to that discussed under the previous three headings, an arrangement of production might be worked out with an organization such as Kairos where each interested denomination would give a guarantee of purchasing a certain number of copies of the materials.
Having heard Petition 66, therefore be it resolved that the 38th General Council find a way, on our behalf, to express our sincere regret to these women and express our sorrow for the loss of their leadership to the church.
Commanded as Christians to “beat our swords into ploughshares, and our spears into pruning hooks” and that “nations shall not learn war any more” (Isaiah 2:2-4); Further commanded to love our enemies and do good to those who hate us (Luke 6:27); Understanding that the safety and security of persons is the goal of national and international security efforts;