This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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The Executive of the General Council proposes that: The 41st General Council 2012: 1) adopt this statement: That The United Church of Canada:
That the 41st General Council 2012: 1) receive the report of The Working Group on Israel/Palestine Policy; 2) direct that United Church policies and actions, in relation to Israel and Palestine, reflect the content of the report as these have been affirmed in the motions number 3 through 13 and recommend the report and its policies to its members for study, prayerful discernment and personal action.
That the Executive of the General Council Receive "A Moment of Truth: A word of faith, hope and love from the heart of the Palestinian suffering"—the KAIROS Palestine document—as an authentic voice of Palestinian Christians and offer the document and responses to it to United Church Conferences, presbyteries, congregations, and community ministries to use in their ongoing consultation, dialogue, study, and prayer as adopted by the 40th General Council 2009 in part six (6) of its implementation of Measures Towards Peace in the Middle East.
That the 40th General Council 2009 1. Record its convictions that a just peace in the Middle East will require: · The denunciation of Human Rights abuses committed by Israel and Palestine, as documented by Amnesty International and the United Nations, that will result in Member States of the United Nations taking subsequent, appropriate actions; · That the occupation and siege of Gaza by Israel cease, requiring the full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza;
Whereas we have affirmed our desire and commitment to strive for just, peaceful, and sustainable communities in keeping with God s vision for wholeness of life; Whereas we are all inextricably interconnected in the web of creation, and affected by actions that impact on the sustainability and well-being of all of creation; Whereas scripture calls us to be peacemakers; Whereas God would have the whole world turn swords into ploughshares, we know that in many places ploughshares are turned into swords; military, peace, United Nations, humanitarian crisis
Declare our willingness to support and participate in the World Council of Churches' proposed week for International Church Action for Peace in Palestine and Israel focusing on the Holy Land and provide educational material and worship resources.
the Executive of General Council has affirmed its conviction that “a necessary step towards true peace in the region will be through the implementation of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions specifically 242 (1967), 338 (1973) and UN General Assembly Resolution 194 (1948) and that these resolutions require … the withdrawal of Israel from the West Bank and Gaza including settlements
Having received the correspondence from Maritime Conference, and the notice of motion of Pawis/Mabee from this fall 2003 meeting of the Executive of the General Council, and recognizing that it is seven years since the release of the Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, that a letter be written to the Government of Canada urging them to act on the recommendation of the report calling for a public inquiry on residential schools and that this matter be referred to the General Secretary for action.
That having read the “Building Toward Right Relationships” document that the Executive of the General Council affirm and adopt the six principles identified in the document as the principles that will guide The United Church of Canada at this point in its journey in its work to repair the harm done by the Residential Schools system in building right relations with Aboriginal people, and in any negotiations with government with respect to resolving the legacy of Indian Residential Schools and that we refer the information from table groups to the Residential Schools Steering Committee for their consideration.
That the Executive of the General Council endorse the legal position on the Baxter Class Action lawsuit taken by the Residential Schools Steering Committee in September 2003, and that any further legal decisions and actions be guided by the six principles in the “Building Towards Rights Relationships” document and that any subsequent modification of the legal position only occur when in the interests of the survivors of Residential Schools and with the approval of the Executive or Sub-Executive of the General Council.